oleteach's Articles In Politics
October 22, 2004 by oleteach
I thought this article has a lot of merit. I am usually a Democrate but lately more often an Independent. I liked this because it seems to bring out the importance of voting with more than just selfish interests. Also the author is from my generation. We have to stick together. From the Wed 06 Oct 2004 issue of the Ellensburg Daily Record (Ellensburg, Washington). ...written by Mathew Manweller, Central Washington University political science professor... "Election determines fat...
October 20, 2004 by oleteach
Here are some quotes and semi quotes from a book I have been reading, a novel by David Baldacci that has a lot of interesting political threads. It was quite a surprise for me to learn that about half of the people on our planet live in hopeless poverty. Now I am not sure that all of Baldacci’s statistics are absolutely correct. Some will say I should not circulate facts that I can’t substantiate except from an unreliable source as a novel. Even if those figures are only half-truths,...
September 2, 2004 by oleteach
SSG Geezer recommended General Tommy Franks’ book, “American Soldier”, as a good read about a great American hero. How right he was! I didn’t read the book. I listened to the 5 CDs, an abridgement narrated by Tommy himself, as we have traveled through 17 states, covering 4400 miles. We could listen and still enjoy the wonderful scenery as we covered the miles to visit relatives, family and friends. This four star General tells a riveting story, beginning with his humble beginnings i...
July 16, 2004 by oleteach
No matter which side of the political fence you're on, you have here the criteria for voting in November :} George and Laura Bush and John and Therese Kerry are traveling by train to the Super Bowl. At the station, George and Laura each buy a ticket and watch as john and Therese buy just one ticket. "How are the two of you going to travel on only one ticket?" asks George W, astonished at what he is seeing. "Watch and learn," answers John. They all board the train. George a...
July 14, 2004 by oleteach
Ordinarily I do not try to influence any other person's vote. I am generally Democratic in my voting but not rigidly so. You bloggers out there, if you know more about what is written below, if this info that I received is bogus, if you more to add, please do. Following is a brief background on Mrs. John Kerry . She hates being called that, by the way: Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry. Married Senator Kerry in 1995. She only took his name eighteen months ago a...