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Thoughts from the spiritual side
What Can I Do?
One Woman's Answer
Published on October 20, 2004 By
Here are some quotes and semi quotes from a book I have been reading, a novel by David Baldacci that has a lot of interesting political threads.
It was quite a surprise for me to learn that about half of the people on our planet live in hopeless poverty.
Now I am not sure that all of Baldacci’s statistics are absolutely correct. Some will say I should not circulate facts that I can’t substantiate except from an unreliable source as a novel. Even if those figures are only half-truths, it is worth sitting up and taking notice.
Today’s politicians, many who proclaim to be upright citizens, caring legislators, and practicing Christians still continue to throw out half-truths by the gross so that they can gain power. My purpose is to throw a little waking water in our complacent, smug faces.
This one paragraph really caught my attention:
“We know that our government pays farmers more NOT to grow crops than we do on humanitarian relief overseas. We spend a hundred time as much money on makeup or fast food or video rentals in a year’s time than we do on feeding starving children in the world (or even in our own country {my addition}). We could wipe out a dozen serious childhood diseases in undeveloped countries round the world with less money than our children spend on Beanie Babies”
We might think we can do nothing to help but here is a story of one lady, Martha Port,
who is doing something about it. She and her husband are from Minneapolis. Sure they will make some money for themselves eventually but they are seeing beyond their noses to help others.
If you want more information go here: http://www.solarovens.org/
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