A Superb Leader Despite Opposing Politics
Published on September 2, 2004 By oleteach In Politics

SSG Geezer recommended General Tommy Franks’ book, “American Soldier”, as a good read about a great American hero. How right he was! I didn’t read the book. I listened to the 5 CDs, an abridgement narrated by Tommy himself, as we have traveled through 17 states, covering 4400 miles. We could listen and still enjoy the wonderful scenery as we covered the miles to visit relatives, family and friends.

This four star General tells a riveting story, beginning with his humble beginnings in small town USA to his inspired leadership in the military. His narratives really brought us into the complexities of the war on terror and how Tommy’s intelligent daring lead him to new strategies to foil these cruel new threats. He met his opponents with humility and determination. He studied every angle, listened to every intelligent opinion and pursued the course of action that he found necessary to accomplish the goals set out for him by his position as Commander in Chief of the US Central Command.

My esteem and gratitude for the military grew with each passing mile as I listened to his accounts of what true soldiers have done to ensure our freedom. He praised the soldiers who do their duties well and he lamented over those few who have disgraced themselves and our country by their disregard for human life and decency.

Thanks to all the men and women who are serving everyday. Maybe their lives are not in the limelight, nor applauded and appreciated by the majority, but they all have my deepest admiration for whatever job they are called to do. All of it is important, even the task of Pokekorian on a food run to Jason's Deli without his beret.

on Sep 02, 2004
Glad you enjoyed it.
Gen Franks is supposed to speak at the Republican convention tonight but I have no cable.
on Sep 07, 2004
Franks was good but didn't come close to Miller's fire.