Today, on the Fourth of July (Actually, It's the third, but I am in the mood.) , I am thinking about the wonders of having a friend who is really committed to me. Those kinds of friends don’t come into a person’s life very often, but I have been blessed several times in this way. My present friend is much more than a casual friend. I have many of those. They are the ones that I have met and enjoyed in various times in my life. They were found when I have volunteered at Habitat for Humani...
No matter what happens to me each day, I have decided that I will always forgive. I have decided not to be offended by words, actions or what I might perceive to be abusive, insulting, rude or hurting. I may still feel hurt but work at staying in peace. Why do I do this? It is because I have been forgiven so much in my own life. Time and time again, my mouth has said things that I didn’t mean as offensive or cruel, but others have taken it to be mean spirited, judgmental or malicious. The...
When Greywar was just a little lad of only a few years, I knew that he was destined to bring me a few tears. But there were more surprises, dreams and joys so pure Than I could ever envision as he grew up fast and sure. He married when he was yet too young and somewhat immature. He thought for sure their marriage would prosper and endure. A little child came with her bright smile and such delightful charm. Xtine and Greywar would protect her from every hurt and harm. Still they c...
Maybe this story has been flying around the internet for a long time but today is the first time I received it from a friend. It encouraged me. Maybe someone will read it and be encouraged to look outward to see where they might help to make some other person's world a little brighter. Have a great day! God loves you! Hospital Window A great note for all to read it will take just 37 seconds to read this and change your thinking Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the sam...
Here are five of my observations about those who are so unsure of themselves that they put on a facade that may fool people some of the time but eventually their true colors will come out. 1. Their dishonesty will be glaring…They say they like things that later you find out they hate…They go places with you and say they are enjoying it…but it is evident they are not. 2. Their desires and feelings change from one minute to the next. They are usually trying to make some other person “fixed”...
Mother tried to teach me honesty as a child but sometimes those lessons were hard to take. One day when I was about five, I was in Rickford’s all-goods store. I saw a pair of pink anklets and I slipped them in my pocket. When I got home I showed them to Mom. She asked me who had given them to me. I told her, “Mrs. Goodheart”. She took me by the hand and said, “We need to thank her for such a nice gift.” We started to walk toward the Goodheart’s’ house. Before we got there, I gave up and t...
Isn’t it frightening to see how people mistreat each other? It seems to be the rule that if a person makes a mistake, they are out. Is there no mercy anymore? Doesn’t every person need mercy everyday? I know that I do. I need mercy and not judgment. Every kind of relationship that we have is in serious trouble if there is no mercy. Adopting a merciful attitude toward mistakes can save every relationship that we cherish. We need to develop a long fuse instead of a short one that explodes a...
The Power of Focus can invigorate and transform us. Life can be very difficult with all the pressures of daily living that sometimes threaten to overwhelm us. Relationships that we have valued can disappoint us. Headlines in the daily news may dishearten us. Our expectations may never seem to be met. If we are not to become discouraged we have to focus on reality. One of those realities is that we must not depend on other people to provide our happiness. That is not their job. If we t...