Visions, Values and Dreams are Transforming
Published on May 26, 2004 By oleteach In Personal Relationships
The Power of Focus can invigorate and transform us.

Life can be very difficult with all the pressures of daily living that sometimes threaten to overwhelm us. Relationships that we have valued can disappoint us. Headlines in the daily news may dishearten us. Our expectations may never seem to be met.

If we are not to become discouraged we have to focus on reality. One of those realities is that we must not depend on other people to provide our happiness. That is not their job. If we think that it is up to our children, our spouse, our friends, our country or our church to make us happy then we will definitely be heading for disappointment, cynicism, skepticism, distrust, doubt, uncertainty, frustration and possibly a great deal of regret.

To avoid this we have to be secure in who we are. We have to decide what values we hold, what constitutes our integrity, what our vision for the future requires, where we go for strength, and how we plan to obtain our goals.

If criticism sidetracks us, if we are people pleaser, if we expect constant praise and approval, we will invariably be downhearted, sad and lonely. People will sometimes censure our agendas and motives. They may knock our values, ideals and beliefs. We must not let these differences of opinion steal our happiness.

We don’t have to be burdened by our past failures. They do not define who we are. We don’t have to carry a lot of emotional baggage with us into the future. We can let it go and start anew every day. We can choose not to be hurt by misinterpretation, every critical word or faux pas that comes across our way each day. We live here on this earth with other human beings. We have to get used to it. Where there are humans there will be problems as well as uplifting events. We are here to help each other along the way. We need to rid of greed, revenge, envy, jealousy, dishonor, cruelty, and intemperance in our lives. We can replace it with generosity, joy, peace, forgiveness, tolerance, understanding and self-control.

How? That is the good news; we don’t have to depend solely on our own wisdom, strength, and power. There is a High Power who is just waiting for us to accept all the wonders of the inheritance that can be ours if we will only accept it. We need to accept the fact that we need help. We need humility. We need to stop making idols of ourselves and choose to serve the One who loves us and wants the best for us if we would only acknowledge Him as our source of power and strength.

on May 28, 2004
A big shout of "Amen" from the front pew. Preach it Oleteach!
on May 29, 2004
Thanks, sysopallen. Now I have an audience of one. Mostly my preaching is for myself because I need to be reminded of certain ideals that I want to incorporate into my daily life. Many people believe that we must carry around a load of guilt because we may have failed in some way. Not so... we can start each day anew. We are products of our past but we don't have to be prisoners of our past. Relying on the strength of the Lord and in the power of His might, we can change. We need to keep our focus on the One we have chosen to follow. His promises lift all guilt when we ask for transformation in Him.
on Jun 05, 2004
I always read but don't always comment:) I agree with most of what you said in the article, I just personally apply it without the Higher Power parts of it toward the end (but you already knew that) .
on Jun 05, 2004
Well said oleteach. good article
on Jun 09, 2004
The same goes for your articles, greywar: "I always read but don't always comment." My reason may be different from yours. Half the time your articles are "way" out of my sphere of experience but I do enjoy reading them and all the comments that they draw.
on Jun 09, 2004
Thanks, MasonM.