For those interested, my new book, Convent Life and Beyond, is available to order now through but it will not be delivered for about two weeks from the time you order it. To get an idea of what it is all about please go to my publishing website at You may place your order from there. Thank you for your interest. Grace Stoltz
My apologies: I still haven’t taking the time and effort to learn how to make links. Pseudo wrote in his blog ( the following comment which inspired me to write this article. Psuedo’s words: “Turning out all anxiety is difficult. Not worrying about the things that matter most to you is nearly humanly impossible.” I agree totally with pseudo in this statement. I would emphasize one word out of four of his words, “IS NEARLY HUMANLY IMPOSSIBLE. We a...
Among my treasurers, I have wonderful pictures of many of my ancestors. As the self-appointed family historian, I also have a collection of their life stories that have revealed some outstanding achievements, some dreadful miseries, and some terrible misfortunes. Looking back I see a picture of life. It always have some wonderful highs and many woeful lows. It reminds me of that ride I took in the summer of ’44. I was staying with my oldest sister in Minneapolis. She and her husband took ...
As I turn on the TV from time to time, I see people who have traveled from far off places, standing and watching to see if white smoke will soon emanate from that little chimney in the Vatican. I wonder what possesses them to make such a journey to see what I can see from the comfort of my own home. Granted it is an historic moment in time. For younger people it will be the first time they can witness this method of election. For those who put leaders, movie stars, musicians, and popes on...
My last convent story was posted on 11/20/04 Link (I still don't know how to link correctly. Slow learner! Not your fault Blue Dev!) I was having a difficult time coping with the arid circumstances of my convent life, which I compared to a desert. At that time in my life I was not very well rooted in my Christian life. I still had miles to go, many lessons to learn, many obstacles to overcome in my openness to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. I was still very young (24) and imma...
Last night I went to a movie at our local theatre to see the movie “Therese,” a film about the life of a cloistered nun from the city of Lesieux, France. She lived her quiet life there over 100 years ago. I have read the story of her life several times. This movie attempts to depict it well, but it pictures her as a young nun who never sins in any way. This is not very realistic for anyone. Also, the movie could not really portray the austere life she led. For example, in real life these...
In thinking more about how the way these two approaches to life differ, I tried to clarify, in my mind, exactly what they mean to me in my daily life. When my conscience informs me that all is not peaceful in my life, I realize that changes are needed. I have two choices about how I go about making those changes. It could be about adjustments I need to make in my attitude toward my Creator or towards others, or in the way I spend my time each day, in the way I dress, in the way I spend...
In my last post, I presented how different our approach to life can be, depending on whether we are legalistic or if we are in a faith-filled relationship with God. Here are some more observations about these differences. 5. In a legalistic approach we are concerned with activity. In a relational approach we are caught up with identity. In Romans 8:23 it speaks of the “first fruits” of the Spirit as being “our adoption as sons” which speaks entirely of our identity in God’s fam...
Definition: Legalism: excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code. We all need to make lasting spiritual changes in our lives. We have two choices. Either we are going to try to get it from our own efforts or we get it from God’s grace. If we choose to do it by our efforts, we will try to make things happen by our ideas, our schemes, our plans, and our efforts. Our efforts alone equal frustration. If we chose to receive grace, which means God will be doing it as we ex...
I love the Book of Jonah, the story of this reluctant servant or prophet of the Old Testament. Though a chosen prophet, he often thought his ways were better than God’s way. He had such a hard time listening to God. He had his own ideas about whom he should preach to and who deserved to be saved. God told him to go to Ninevah to preach repentance. Jonah hated the people of that city. He refused to go. Instead, he choose his own way, as usual for him. He found a ship that would carry him in...
Lady Cleve ( this is an edit... my apologies to Lady Cleve who has some wonderful blogs also, but was not the one to inspire this blog. It was the bloag of "lifehappens). had an interesting blog recently where she listed all the things that she doesn’t want for Christmas. Then she listed those really important things that are so dear to her heart. It showed that she has some great priorities. Anyway, it set me thinking about things that people (me included) seem to go after and what those...
If you have ever said these words: “I am not a religious person,” what does that mean to you? It is true that there are some “religious” people who are the very dregs of the human race. They ridicule, persecute, kill, maim, mock and try to destroy anyone who does not believe as they do. Perhaps the worst kinds of evils have originated from the many forms of organized religion. Such organizations forget that their true mission is to glorify God. Instead they are intent only on protecti...
Even though the little town of Oakes, ND was located just 16 miles from where I grew up I knew very little about it. During my childhood, I had been to Oakes a few times to have my teeth tended to by Dr. Lisko. Other than that I knew nothing about the school, the church, the pastor or the people. I thought that I might be allowed to see my parents more often since I would be located so near to them but that was not to be. I was still permitted only one day a year to visit them. I misse...
When I approached Mother Provincial with my decision, she shushed me to silence. She reminded me that everyone has doubts from time to time. I wanted to tell her about all the things that had upset and appalled me during the past five years. She would not listen. She told me that when I made my vows in the coming summer, I would be going to France. She told me that she wanted me to see and experience where this community of nuns had its beginning. She assured me that a summer away from coll...
It was no big surprise that at the end of that school year, I knew that I would not be reassigned to teach at St. Cecelia’s again. Was I unhappy about that? Not a chance! I held no grudge against that priest. I had no clue as to what made him act the way he did. It was not my place to judge him. He is now long gone from this world. May he rest in peace. I learned from him to be on my guard against any potential wolf in sheep’s clothing. After the usual two-week catechism session in a neig...