We will pay for our poor choices one way or another.
Published on December 2, 2005 By oleteach In Home & Family
Graybar’s blog features A Recipe for People Who Eat Real Food. Anyone who knows this young man at all, is aware of his proclivity for posting articles that are sure to draw a variety of opinions. When I know what he is talking about, I sometimes will join in those discussions. That happens very rarely, but today I am taking the bait. Since my reply is rather lengthy, I choose to react on my own blog. Here goes!

This morning my hubby attended an early morning meeting and breakfast where the featured speaker was a man who declared in his opening words, “Last week, at this time, I was declared dead.” You can imagine how those words caught everyone’s attention.

The speaker, aged late 40’s, went on to explain that he had been in perfect health, no high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, and no other apparent signs that his health was in jeopardy. He exercised regularly, playing basketball or racquetball. Last week while playing a game of basketball with friends, he collapsed. They rushed him to the hospital where they used those paddles on him twelve times.His doctor (present at this early morning meeting) declared him dead, when suddenly his heart began to beat again. It was his “Wake Up Call.” His mission in life now is to help people learn to eat right.

Here is a much-shortened version of the Cardiac Diet that he passed out to the 40 men that attended that meeting. It is published by Nutrition Counselors, Central MN Heart Center @ St. Cloud Hospital.

Fats & Oils should be limited to no more than 6 teaspoons per day. That includes fats used in cooking, baking, salads, and spreads on bread. Best choices are canola oil or olive oil, margarines with liquid oil listed as the first ingredient and 2 grams of sat. fat or less/serving. Avoid trans-fatty acids. More best choices include: Fat free whipped topping. No-fat sour cream and cream cheese. Nondairy creamers made with recommended oil, fat free half & half.

1. Solid fats and shortenings: butter, lard, salt port, bacon drippings. Gravy containing meat fat, shortening, or suet.
2. Stick margarines
3. Bakery products containing coconut or palm oil
4. Non-dairy creamers containing coconut or palm oil
5. Whipped toppings
6. Commercially fried foods
7. Salad dressings made of unknown oils, sour cream, or cheese, such as Blue Cheese, Roquefort and Green Goddess
8. Real Mayonnaise
9. Olives, packaged sauces or gravies, chip dips, Italian dressing
10. Cream, all kinds; Half & Half, light, heavy or whipping
11. Sour cream or cream cheese

In conclusion, in my opinion, an interested person might, once in a lifetime, partake of Greyway’s “Hateful Right-Wing Capitalist Pig Pasta,” but know that someday those persons will have to pay the piper in some way for making a choice like that.

Greywar, I don't want you or anyone else to have a "Wake Up Call." You are not invincible! Listen to these words of wisdom.


on Dec 02, 2005
A big part of it is also genetics (soomething Greywar should definately consider, doesn't heart disease run in his paternal family?) You hear these stories all the time about people who live to 100 eating a pound of bacon, a dozen eggs, and several buttermilk biscuits for breakfast every morning. Absolutely amazing.

For the most of us though, moderation is probably the best advice we can heed.
on Dec 02, 2005
xtine,You are so right about it being genetic on the paternal side of the family and about moderation is the best advice in all our choices.
on Dec 02, 2005
My dad has had 2 quadruple bypass surgeries and has had approximately 20 heart attacks. He's the healthiest eater I know, but his cholesterol is STILL high. He has to take numerous medications to get it down to an acceptable level. His doctor has said that he could eat cardboard for every meal, and his cholesterol wouldn't change.

My husband adds no salt to his food, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, and yet his blood pressure was sky high until he got put on medication.

My grandfather drank his whole life, he smoked for a good part of it, he ate real butter and fried food, drank whole milk and used copious amounts of salt on his food....and he lived independently until he died at the age of 94.

Sometimes it's not your diet that causes ill health. Sometimes there's a genetic cause and no amount of dieting or exercising will make a difference. On the same token, some people can eat drink and be merry and it doesn't adversly affect their health.
on Dec 02, 2005
some people can eat drink and be merry and it doesn't adversly affect their health.

Here's to eating, drinking and being merry with no consequences!

I'm glad you're giving Greywar good advice on eating healthy. I'd have just shut up and let him cook me dinner! Keep up the good work!

on Dec 02, 2005
Here's to eating, drinking and being merry with no consequences!

*raises her glass of benign ginger ale and wishes she had some bourbon in it*...I'll drink to that!
on Dec 02, 2005
In his best Eddie Haskell impersonation:

Just so you know, Greywar's mom, Greywar has always been very unmindful of his health.

Good for you, mom! Take care of your little boy, even after all these years of his being on his own.
on Dec 09, 2005
Well, thank you all of you responders. Somehow my JU hasn't been reporting to me any responses. Of course, I am still waiting to read a lovely whole-hearted "I agree," from greywar. I was once labeled incorrigible for much different reasons so it is not surprising that he is too.
on Dec 09, 2005
Of course, I am still waiting to read a lovely whole-hearted "I agree," from greywar

Buwhahaha. You might hear from him but it most likely won't be an "I agree."

He favors more colorful dialouge.
on Dec 09, 2005
My dad has

My husband

My grandfather

Hmmm. Now who is the common link between these 3? And you wonder why I dont want you to get any closer to me.
on Dec 11, 2005
Graybar’s blog

Well I certainly won't agree until my own mother gets my online handle correct:) (and probably not even then)
on Dec 11, 2005
won't agree until my own mother gets my online handle correct

Maybe poor spelling (or "fat fingers") is hereditary?
on Dec 11, 2005
You said, "Maybe poor spelling (or "fat fingers") is hereditary?"

I loved that response.

Sorry, greywar, I didn't know you were so sensitive!