If your life is anything like mine, many things happen each and every day that really can aggravate. Sometimes they are just little things that just get under the skin and can make the day seem dismal.
Then I ask myself, “What will this accomplish if I choose to be angry, worried, frustrated, irritated, miserable, unhappy, despondent?
You guessed it…nothing positive. All those negative feelings do nothing but make me more miserable and ready to lash out to hurt someone near me who really needs my love and support.
What is my remedy? I am a Christian. That means that I believe in every promise that Jesus made as they are found in the Bible. There are hundreds of promises in that great book and the ones I need right at this moment of my grumpiness are these: “I will be your strength. I am here with you in your moments of aggravation. I don’t promise that you won’t have difficulties in your life but I am right there with you to guide you, enlighten you, encourage you, comfort you. Tell me what is your problem and I will be your number 1 helper.”
Now, for me, that is one magnificently comforting thought! There is nobody better equipped to be my helper than Jesus. These thoughts soothe and encourage me so much that my whole attitude begins to change
I immediately make up my mind to rely on Jesus for his phenomenal help. I won’t go to others who may be more messed up in their thinking than I am right now. I decide not to let these things take away my peace of mind. If I truly believe in His promises then why do I worry about so many things? It surely shows my lack of trust in Him.
Then I need to take responsibility for the things in my life that I have messed up all on my own. I can’t blame it on my upbringing, my Irish temper, my neighbors, the economy, or whatever. If I have made a mess of things, I will own up to it and ask the Lord to help me clean it up. He will be there if I have faith in him. He makes my life so joyful, free from guilt, fear, and worry. Thank you, God.