Not song or movies...just people
Published on July 12, 2004 By oleteach In Blogging

What Makes Me Cry

Greywar has an article ( about what songs bring tears to his eyes. He has asked those who read his blogs to tell which songs move them.

If I had any such songs they would be from an era that most of his readers would not have ever heard. Actually, I rarely listen to modern songs. I love to listen to instrumental music when I am not busy with other things that interest me more.

There are things that do make me cry. Here is a short list:
v People hurting others
v People who refuse to lend a helping hand to those less fortunate
v People who push others down in hopes of raising themselves up
v People who will not forgive injuries
v People who want revenge for real or imagined hurts
v People who complain and murmur about every circumstance in their lives
v People who tear down other in the community rather than help to strengthen them
v People who don’t know how to enjoy life
v People who try to fill the emptiness in their lives with chemicals, trash, sleep, or any other kind of unhealthy escape
v People who do not know Jesus and how to receive the wonderful inheritance He has won for us
v Myself when I have unrealistic expectations of others


on Jul 12, 2004
Um... do you ever find yourself not crying?
on Jul 12, 2004
CS Guy...Wow that was quick response. Oh, yes, just now your good humor made me smile. Even when I cry at those things, i have found a way to keep myself at peace and I have learned how to enjoy my life. I have learned to eliminate that joy-killing phrase...I will be happy when.....
on Jul 12, 2004

that was quick response

CS seems to be on a lot and is known for his prompt responses.

Good article and you are right about that being some very high expectations

on Jul 12, 2004
Even when I cry at those things, i have found a way to keep myself at peace and I have learned how to enjoy my life

That's good. Otherwise it seemed like a very sad existence.
on Jul 12, 2004
CS seems to be on a lot and is known for his prompt responses.

Heh, yea. I have two computers at work, and while I'm waiting for things to compile or build on my classified system, I'm web-surfing on my unclassified system.

I have a small Shuttle mini-PC in my living room with a wireless access point and a flat-panel. So if I am sitting there watching TV or reading I will check on JU every half our or so.
on Jul 13, 2004

I'm web-surfing on my unclassified system.


I hate people with adequate NIPR access.... ours is pathetic.

on Jul 13, 2004
Good to see you posting again, oleteach! I was afraid that maybe you had left us. I always read what thoughts you choose to share in this forum, although I don't always comment.
on Jul 13, 2004
Thanks, xtine. I read all of your articles too and enjoy them. What happened to that great photo you had on there for maybe one hour and then it was gone. I thought that photo caught a unique moment in time and you expressed it so well by both the photo and the write-up. I also loved the descriptions you give as you improve your home. Now that I have a little experience in what it takes to build a home because of my helping out at Habitat for Humanity, I can appreciate what you are going through. Take care. Link


on Jul 14, 2004
I put that picture back up for you. Here it is, along with an explanation as to why it was gone. Thanks!